Monday, July 30, 2012

What is fair and what is true..

In the Dusk of a silent Day..
Guess what , the frozen dawn had to say !
Have I mounted despair on those,
Sack of Agony as I froze !

The glance of me you caught from the pane..
Was me, withered, upright on the lane ..
Ages I have lived and Ages I have seen,
Has there ever or never ever been ?

A heart that could read the crave in your eye,
Beyond the ecstacy , the sparkle and the sigh !
Sunk in the waters of dormant dreams..
A pearl of faith, like an Aura it seems.

The sand at your feet felt so high..
How fast you ran and chased the sky.
No fence could cage the magic of thy wand..
Amazed you stood on the forbidden land.

You swirled in the wind , and spoke in the air,
Applauds you heard for the prestiene flair. .
Joy were the droplets , the fragments of the dew;
Sprinkled in the air, as you shook them too..
No thing to abide, no horizon you see..
Lost in the woods and yet that glee.

Quiwered the waters , as you bowed by,
Mirrored the shimmer, the ripples went high..

WAKE UP ! before you live them through..
And now you know, whatz fair and whatz true..

You walked by the street , on the black creepy lanes,
Flashed in your mind, the fantacies in flames..
What is today , were your choices in the past,
You toiled to prove, the days ran fast....

Lost in the crowd of fatigue minds..
No ONE to watch your flair Unwind.

Frozen are the days and Frozen is the dew,
And now you know what is fair and what is true !

- Meghana Rathnakar